ViTAL Lab Computational Behavior and Health Analytics

Currently, we are actively recruiting 1 - 2 Ph.D. students from Emory CS and GT ML programs. Please contact Dr. Kwon or apply for those programs, if you are interested in Computer Vision, Ubiquitous Computing, and Machine Learning techniques for Health Analytics.

Computational BehaVior and HealTh AnaLytics (ViTAL) Lab strives to develop Patient-oriented/participatory Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that are Inclusive, Accessible, and Ethical to effectively improve the Healthcare system. Our mission is to develop Ubiquitous Computing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning systems using distributed ambient, mobile, and wearable devices to monitor patients’ conditions in hospitals or everyday life. We are also invested in deploying and testing the developed AI systems in real-world clinical and daily living environments, actively collaborating with stakeholders in healthcare.

News $\mathtt{\&}$ Talks $\mathtt{\&}$ Media

2024/10/17 🏆 Dr. Kwon’s Ph.D. work from Georgia Tech, IMUTube (Video-to-wearable cross-modality human activity recognition framework), is accepted for a US patent. This work demonstrates a new research direction of cross-modality generative AI and transfer learning framework for human activity recognition.
2024/10/09 🎙 Dr. Kwon chaired Human Activity Recognition session at Ubicomp/ISWC 2024.
2024/10/06 🎙 Dr. Kwon co-orgnized UbiComp Mental Health Sensing and Intervention workshop at Ubicomp/ISWC 2024.
2024/09/10 🌌 At Wearable Innovations for Health Equity, Timothy Odonga presented a poster proposing the FairML technique for Wearable-based Freezing-of-Gait Detections in Parkinson’s Disease. His work highlights the importance of addressing AI biases when it comes to supporting patients from diverse backgrounds with very challenging conditions related to fall risk and decreased quality of life.
2024/06/17 🎙 🌌 At Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) Annual Meeting, Timothy Odonga presented a poster proposing the FairML technique for Freezing-of-Gait in Parkinson’s Disease. Dr. Kwon gave two podium presentations for mobile computer vision for gait analysis and Bluetooth-based movement analysis for mild cognitive impairment.
2024/06/12 🎙 Dr. Kwon gave a talk to United States Patent and Trademark Office Site Experience Education (USPTO SEE) at Georgia Institute of Technology regarding our latest research in AI for Parkinson’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
2024/06/03 🏆 Iris Zheng won Pathway Global Award this Summer! Congratulations! 🎉
2024/05/30-2024/05/31 🎙 Dr. Kwon was invited as a Speaker for AI Artistic Human Performance Workshop event in Georgia Tech! He gave a talk about “How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used to Assess Human Movements?”.
2024/05/6 🎙 Dr. Kwon was invited as a Speaker for The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2024 event in Atlanta, GA! He gave a talk about “How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used to Develop Clinical Outcome Assessments?”, especially related to our recent achievements on Accessible and Ubiquitous AI for Brain Health.
2024/04/12 🎉 Dr. Kwon is now officially affiliated with Machine Learning Center and ML Ph.D. program at Georgia Institute of Technology!
2024/04/10-2024/04/11 🏆🌌 We presented 4 posters at Bio-STAR AI Symposium 2024 hosted by Emory-GT BME Department and 3 posters won best poster awards!. We presented our latest research in developing Accessible, Affordable, and Scalable Computer Vision and AI Systems for quantifying Mild Cognitive Impairment (Scarlett Duan; Winner🏆), Parksinson’s Disease and Stroke (Arya Mohan and Lauhitya Reddy; Winner🏆), Autism Spectrum Disorder (Barun Das), and Gait Pathology (Shoibolina Kaushik and Ketan Anand; Winner🏆).Kudos to you all for putting together nice poster presentations! You can check out photos from our team page!
2024/04/04 🏆 Zikang Leng received 2024 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. One of the highest honors for a newly starting Ph.D. student this year. He will also start his Ph.D. at School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech in Fall 2024, where he will be advised by Dr. Thomas Ploetz for his research in Ubiquitous Computing. Congratulations and all the best luck in your Ph.D.!
2024/03/28 🎙 Invited as a Speaker for Oracle Life Sciences Connect 2024 event at Philadelphia! With Dr. J. Lucas Mckay, Dr. Kwon introduced our recent success in the application of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for identifying novel motor phenotypes in Parkinson’s Disease. Dr. Kwon also introduced ViTAL Lab’s vision for Ubiquitous, Fair, and Accessible AI for Brain Health.
2024/03/13 🎉 Dr. Kwon is now officially affiliated with Deparment of Biomedical Engineering at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology!
2024/03/13 📖 Three abstracts exploring novel Machine Learning approaches for Mild Cognitive Impairment, Parkinson’s Disease, and Stroke are accepted as 2 Podium🎙 and 1 Poster🌌 presentations to the 29th Annual Meeting of the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS). Congratulations to Scarlett Duan, Timothy Odonga, and Ketan Anand!
2024/02/24 🎙 Invited as a Speaker for Shriners Annual State of Science hosted by Georgia Tech Pediatric Innovation Network and Shriners Children’s. Dr. Kwon introduced the latest innovations and research in the lab regarding how AI can be used for developing Affordable, Scalable, and Accessible Movement Sensing and Intervention System for Cerebral Palsy, which is a part of collaboration with Shriners.
2024/02/09 🏆 Zikang Leng, who is 3rd year GT CS undergrad student, received Provost’s Academic Excellence Award! This award is for a student representing the most outstanding scholastic record from their college. Congratulations 🎉 !
2024/01/16 📖 Our edge computing and ambient AI system now continuously identify, localize, and track group activities in large therapeutic buildings, which work is published in J-ISPIN. Stay tuned for our next work uncovering the behavior biomarkers related to social interaction in mild cognitive impairment!
2024/01/10 📖 Our multi-modal ML model that transforms telehealth platforms into intelligent system for quantifying psychiatric disorders from remote interviews is published in JBHI. We demonstrate how foundation models can extract useful digital biomarkers from facial, vocal expressions, linguistic, and cardiovascular patterns in our subjects.
2023/11/30 📖 Our Graph Trilateration for BLE-based indoor localization using sparsely distributed BLE beacons in a large and complex building is published in Sensors! This technology will be used for passive monitoring of activities of older adults living with cognitive impairments!
2023/11/28 📖 Our Privacy-preserving vision-based indoor localization, multi-person tracking, and facing orientation estimation technique using sparsely distributed multi-view cameras in a large and complex building is published in J-ISPIN! This technology will be used for passive monitoring of activities of older adults living with cognitive impairments.
2023/11/15 🖋 Dr. Kwon is featured in Emory Wheel regarding his visions in Fair AI for behavior sensing
2023/11/14 🌌 Barun Das and Timothy Odonga presented their work in Behavior Sensing in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Explainable AI in Parkinson’s Disease at the poster session at the Emory Health AI Symposium.
2023/10/22 📖 Our FingerSpeller is published in ASSET 2023! We demonstrate how smart rings can be used for camera-free text entry for American sign language fingerspelling!
2023/10/11 🏆 Our IMUGPT was recognized as finalist for best paper award and honorable mention for Ubicomp/ISWC 2023!
2023/10/09 🎙 We had the privilege of presenting at the GenAI4PC Symposium during Ubicomp/ISWC 2023, where we discussed our current and future research concerning the profound impact of generative AI on pervasive and ubiquitous computing for human sensing. Kudos to Zikang Leng for his excellent work!
2023/10/09 📖 Our collaboration with Emory Brain Health Motion Analysis Lab developed AI model that can classifying the subtypes in Parkinson’s Disease. This is the first work that looks into whole-body kinematics to “explain” complex movements in PD subtypes for our patients from Jean and Paul Amos Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Program!
2023/10/08 📖 Our IMUGPT work integrating Generative AI x Cross-modality x Wearable-based Human Activity Recognition is published at ISWC and is presented in Ubicomp/ISWC 2023. First work in my group to explore the potential of generative AI and human activity recognition!
2023/10/08 📖 IMUTube for fine-grained human activity recognition is published at ISWC and is presented in Ubicomp/ISWC 2023. Pushing forward with cross-modal human activity recognition for even more complex problems!
2023/09/25 🏆 NIH/NIDCD awarded R21 grant to support our lab to develop Artificial Intelligence system to tackle challenges in understanding social interaction and mental health in Mild Cognitive Impairment! Exciting project addressing serious problem with aging society!
2023/08/14 🖋 Our research in the application of ML for Parkinson’s Disease is introduced in Oracle’s Customer page as a successful example for a collaboration between Oracle and Emory University
2023/07/21 🎙 Invited as a speaker for STEM Career Talk Concert: Artificial Intelligence presented by Korean-American Women in Science & Enginnering (KWiSE) and Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (WISET).
2023/07/20 🎬 Interview with Oracle for Research team about my research in AI x Parkinson’s Disease, a collaborative project with Emory Brain Health Motion Analysis Lab, is featured in Oracle for Research Blog.
2023/06/21 🎙 Invited talk for “What can movement tell us about behavior? - The potential for AI in psychiatry” at Emory Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds.
2023/05/10 🖋 Our collaborative work with Emory Brain Health Motion Analysis Lab is featured in Oracle for Research Blog.
2023/05/02 🎙 Invited talk for Ubiquitous Intelligent System in Healthcare at AI Colloquium @ DGIST.
2023/04/24 📖 We presented XAI4FOG and XAI4PDsubtypes at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting (AANAM)
2023/02/04 📖 XAI4FOG is published at Sensors
2023/02/03 🎙 Invited talk for XAI for Freezing-of-Gait in Parkinsonism at Coulter BME Seminar Series.
2023/01/18 📖 XAI4FOG is now online at medRxiv.
2023/01/11 🎬 Our research in AI, Edge Computing, and Parkinson’s Disease is discussed in a Podcast with Oracle Research.
2022/10/19 🎙 Invited talk for Human Activity Recognition in Daily Living and Clinical Environments at TED@Kookmin Univ.
2022/06/09 🏆 Awarded Oracle for Research Project Award
2022/04/12 🏆 Named a finalist for the Oracle for Research Fellows program
2022/03/09 🖋 IMUTube is introduced in Oracle for Research Blog
2022/03/03 💡 IMUTube Patent is published.
2022/01/20 🎙 Invited talk for IMUTube at HCI@KAIST
2021/12/13 📖 Complex Deep Model for HAR with IMUTube (Sensors 2021) is online.
2021/09/24 🏆 Dr. Kwon was named a finalist for Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award at Ubicomp 2021
2021/09/20 🏆 Dr. Kwon successfully defended my Ph.D. Dissertation.
2021/09/15 🖋 IMUTube is featured in GetMobile (a flagship magazine of ACM SIGMOBILE)
2021/09/14 📖 Extended IMUTube system (IMWUT 2021) paper is online.
2021/02/22 🏆 Awarded Oracle for Research Project Award
2020/09/10 📖 IMUTube (IMWUT 2020) paper is online
2019/09/10 🏆 Awarded consolation prize (4th place) from Emteq Activity Recognition Challenge 2019
2019/09/06 📖 Label jitter (ISWC 2019) code, model, dataset and paper are online
2018/10/10 📖 Structure ECDF (ISWC 2018) code and paper are online
2016/05/02 🏆 Awarded Samsung Ph.D. Scholarship


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