ViTAL Lab Computational Behavior and Health Analytics

soheil.saghafi [at]

PostDoctoral Fellow, Department of Biomedical Informatics, School of Medicine, Emory University

I born and grew up in the capital city of Iran, Tehran. I completed both my undergraduate and master’s degree in applied mathematics in Iran. I came to the US to pursue my PhD in a more technical branch of applied mathematics known as computational neuroscience. I earned my PhD from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in 2023. I would love to go swimming, hiking, and cycling in my free time. In my PhD program I was involved in a couple of different projects involving sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation and optimization of mathematical models for a variety of biological systems. More specifically, the main project in my PhD program was inferring parameters of pyramidal neuron excitability in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease using biophysical modeling and deep learning. In general, I am interested to build and utilize any machine learning or deep learning methodologies that would help to answer some of the challenging questions that would be hard to address with traditional approaches regarding the health and healthcare problems.